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#1 Register of Enterprises of Latvia: a place to register a company |
he business register offers the following services: The business register has a power to register businesses or companies (names of companies are subject to special regulations. For example, it is necessary to draw up a name that does not contain misleading information about important conditions of entrepreneurship, in particular, the legal form of a company (an enterprise) or business volume. It should also be noted that the name is not translatable.), mass media, commercial liens, significant influence, marital property, representative offices and missions abroad companies and organisations, European companies, European cooperatives and public and private partnership agreements; The business register is authorized to ensure the maintenance of the following registers of entities: the register of public organizations, the trade register, the trade union register, the register of associations and foundations, the register of European economic interest groups, the register of arbitral tribunals, the register of political parties, the insolvency register and registers of religious organizations and their institutions; The Business Register has the authority to receive and examine the documents to be submitted for registration from legal persons and facts referred to in laws and regulations, and stores these documents; The business register has the authority to certify signatures (signatures are certified only by natural persons registered in Latvia and representatives of legal entities whose rights of representation are registered in the Latvian Public Register. When confirming an individual's signature, a business registry officer verifies the identity and legal capacity of the signer. The business registry officer who certifies a person's signature is not responsible for the content of the documents.); The business register has the power to verify the names (companies) entered in the registers maintained by the business register and the relevance of this information; The business register has the authority to examine and prepare responses to the submissions and requests for information received, prepare derivations of registration files and official business register documents and provide interested parties with the opportunity to access the registration files; The business register has sanctioning powers defined by international organizations and deals with cross-border mergers of corporations.
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